
2020-2021 設(shè)計(jì)趨勢(shì) · 年輕文化篇

2020-10-12    ui設(shè)計(jì)分享達(dá)人

It is ultra experience

About Millennials and Generation Z


Intro 前言

很難界定千禧一代(生于20世紀(jì)80年代至2000年初)和 z 世代(生于1995年以后) ,但那些已成為當(dāng)前消費(fèi)市場(chǎng)中心的人與上一代有著不同的價(jià)值觀和文化品味。他們表現(xiàn)出的消費(fèi)特征是強(qiáng)調(diào)個(gè)人幸福而非群體,分享而非持有,體驗(yàn)而非產(chǎn)品。不僅僅是購(gòu)買東西,他們傾向于通過(guò)購(gòu)買包含社會(huì)價(jià)值觀和信息的東西來(lái)表達(dá)自己的信念,他們也喜歡展示自己的成功或財(cái)富,并且樂(lè)于投資昂貴的品。與老一輩為了一個(gè)遙遠(yuǎn)的未來(lái)而犧牲了現(xiàn)在不同,他們關(guān)注的是現(xiàn)在。

It is difficult to define the millennials (born between the 1980s and early 2000) and the generation Z(born after 1995), but those who have emerged as the center of the current consumer market have different values and cultural tastes from the previous generation. They show the consumption characteristic that emphasizes individual happiness rather than group, sharing rather than ownership, and experience rather than product. They tend to expresses their belief by purchasing things containing social values and messages, not just purchasing things. They also enjoy the 'flex' culture that shows off their success or wealth, and invest easily in expensive luxury goods. Unlike the older generation who sacrificed the present for a guaranteed distant future, they are concentrating on the present.

千禧一代:在美國(guó),千禧一代通常指的是出生于1980到21世紀(jì)初的人。對(duì)于千禧一代的界限有很多分歧,但2018年3月1日,《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》宣布,美國(guó)皮尤研究中心對(duì)1981年至1996年的千禧一代進(jìn)行了定義。千禧一代也被稱為 Y 一代,意思是他們是 X 一代的下一代。因?yàn)槭煜?IT 技術(shù),這一代人也被稱為技術(shù)一代。在《時(shí)代》雜志上,他們把這一代人稱為“自我一代” ,因?yàn)檫@一代人的思考和行動(dòng)以自我為主。

Millennials: In the United States, millennials are usually referred to births from 1980 to the early 2000s. There were many disagreements about the boundaries of the millennial generation, but on March 1, 2018, the New York Times announced that the Pew Research Center in the United States defines millennials from 1981 to 1996. The millennials are also called generation Y, which refers that they are the next generation of the generation X. This generation is also called 'tech generation' in the sense that they are familiar with IT technology. And in Time magazine, they called ‘me generation' because it is a generation that thinks and acts mainly on oneself.


Generation Z: It is a word that refers to births since 1995 and already accounts for the highest proportion of the population in the global and US markets, surpassing the millennial generation. Currently, the generation Z are in their early teens and mid-20s which are called digital natives who have been exposed to the digital environment since childhood, unlike the millennials who grew up in a mixed environment of analog and digital culture.


First of all, we will summarize the characteristics of millennials and generation Z with six keywords that can represent the them. The purpose is to understand these generations that are the center of trends, read the flow of change, and predict the future. We will look at the characteristics of the younger generation with examples that match each keyword.

對(duì)于千禧一代和Z一代來(lái)說(shuō),被認(rèn)為是某一特定階層的專有財(cái)產(chǎn)的文化,如向公眾傳播的游戲、動(dòng)畫和科幻電影等,已經(jīng)成為他們生活的一部分。品牌歷來(lái)在戰(zhàn)略上排斥流行文化,但他們目前正試圖通過(guò)針對(duì)千禧一代和 z 世代的各種合作以反映年輕一代的品味和文化。

The culture that was regarded as the exclusive property of a specific class, such as games, animation, and SF movies spread to the public. For the millennial and generation Z, these cultures has become part of life. Traditionally, luxury brands have strategically excluded popular culture but they are currently trying to reflect younger generation’s tastes and culture, by conducting various collaborations targeting the millennial and generation Z.



Hip-hop and skateboard culture which were only subcultures in the past are now an indispensable factor in talking about trends. The street brand Supreme, which has the sensibility and philosophy of skateboarders, is supported by young people around the world. They collaborate with many luxury brands which stimulates the desire of young generation to collect them. The millennials and generation Z does not hesitate to invest on the things they like. Many companies and brands which has the spirit of subcultures are leading the trend.



An art toy is a kind of figure which is produced in 3D form based on artist's work with an artistic sense added to the toy, unlike the animation or movie character figure. This art toy figure is the hottest shopping item in China, and this market is growing rapidly with the demand of the millennials and generation Z, which likes to enjoy hobbies and express their personality. In the past, art toy was a culture which only a few people enjoyed but millennials and generation Z who does not spare money for hobbies, has spread this culture of collecting art toys to public.

復(fù)古是一種持續(xù)數(shù)年的潮流,如今,年輕一代更注重將舊的潮流創(chuàng)造詮釋為新事物,而不僅僅是發(fā)現(xiàn)舊的東西。千禧一代和 z 世代不懷念過(guò)去,但過(guò)去本身對(duì)他們很有吸引力。比起始終如一的文化,他們認(rèn)為多樣性和原創(chuàng)性是時(shí)髦的,他們沒(méi)有經(jīng)歷過(guò)的內(nèi)容是新出現(xiàn)的。

Retro is a trend that lasting for several years, and these days the younger generation focuses more on creating and interpreting the old trend to a new thing beyond just discovering old items. Millennials and generation Z are not nostalgic in the past, but 'past' itself can be attractive to them. They think that diversity and originality are trendy rather than consistent culture and the contents they have not experienced are coming up newly.


Balenciaga在2017年發(fā)布了一款名為triple S的運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋,這是他們品牌之前從未見(jiàn)過(guò)的設(shè)計(jì)。它包含一個(gè)大的外底,一個(gè)不同成分的多層鞋幫,并被至少設(shè)計(jì)了3-4種顏色。triple S打開(kāi)了ugly shoes的時(shí)代,因?yàn)樵O(shè)計(jì)得很像爸爸會(huì)穿的運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋,這種鞋也被稱為“老爹鞋”。在不同品牌中,他們發(fā)布了代表“ugly shoes”的運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋,并變得非常流行。90年代是運(yùn)動(dòng)服裝的全盛時(shí)期,許多品牌都使用技術(shù)重新推出當(dāng)時(shí)熱銷的產(chǎn)品。這些款式不是根據(jù)鐵桿趨勢(shì)匆忙制造的,它蘊(yùn)含著品牌悠久的傳統(tǒng)。年輕一代對(duì)這些品牌的設(shè)計(jì)和故事充滿熱情。

Balenciaga released a sneaker called triple S in 2017, which was a design that had not been seen in their brand before. It was consist with a large outsole, an upper with various parts in layers, and at least designed with 3-4 colors. This triple S opened the era of ugly shoes, which also called daddy shoes since design resembled the sneakers that dads wore. In various brands, they released sneakers representing ugly shoes and became very popular. The 90s was the heyday of sportswear, and many brands are relaunching popular products sold at the time with added current technology. These models are not made in a hurry according to the iron trend, containing the brand's long-standing heritage. The young generations are enthusiastic about the designs and stories of these brands.



Millennials and generation Z who grew up in a materially rich living environment, tends to pursue a worthy life. They prefer products that are unique or story-like in addition to practicality when purchasing products. Radio was once a product of memories, but recently a new consumption trend for retro radio has been formed, centering on young consumers. Retro radio, which contains sensual design, story and various functions, became a gift that young consumers enjoy and an interior accessories which young generation would want in their home.


In the attitude of considering eco-friendly as sexy, the millennials and generation Z enjoys vegetarianism, considers fake fur trendy, and even buys cosmetic products by considering the process of making it. Now, companies have read these market trends and started to change marketing, and only companies with sustainability in mind rather than pursuing simple beauty survive.



Patagonia is well known as a company that has been leading the environmental protection and nature conservation activities. They posted an advertisement called 'Do not buy this jacket' and sales increased by 40% in two years. Instead of advertising to buy their products, young generations sympathize with Patagonia's philosophy of minimizing environmental damage, pursuing fair trade, and preserving the environment through business by notifying how the process of making one jacket affects the environment.



The brand Freitag represents eco-friendly and up-cycling by making bags with truck waterproof fabrics, seat belts for cars, and rubber tubes for waste bicycles. It is a representative brand of up-cycling that recycles existing discarded products and re-creates them by adding different values. Despite the high-priced bag of 200 - 600 USD, it currently has 400 stores and revenue of 1 billion USD last year.


We call this young people as ‘gender neutral' generation who recognize various races, genders, and cultural backgrounds and admit their values. The millennials and generation Z are more familiar with people who are different from themselves than the previous generation, and they are interested in homosexuality and transgender issues. Rather than adjusting themselves to the standards set by others, they have a sense of accepting and affirming the way it is.



A campaign for sex minorities was held at the Nintendo game 'Animal Forest', which became very popular this year. Because of the limitations of space and time, people who did not have chance to participate in the campaign before, were able to easily get involved in the campaign in the virtual space.



Apple added a 'gender neutral' options to every human emoji in its system. The visual elements that distinguish men and women were excluded, such as the length of the hair coming mid length and using gray color so that the color of the clothes would not be reminded of a specific gender. The skin color also broadened the range of choices which made users choose colors similar to themselves. The Memoji feature which Apple launched in 2019, offers a variety of options for more races and genders, including face shape, skin color, and hairstyles, giving a glimpse of Apple’s gender and racial issues.


Digital natives are often called 'generations born with smartphones', and the development of smartphones dominates the life of digital natives more than any other technology. They are familiar with the internet and IT, and prefer images and video content than texts, smartphones rather than TVs and computers. The most prominent communication tool for millennials and generation Z is the video. They spend most of their time on YouTube in searching, learning, consuming and communicating. YouTube has become an indispensable service for them. Since they are a generation that learns and communicates through video, many companies invest a lot of money in video contents marketing using influencers. They judge the value of the product based on the information and experience collected through various channels rather than advertisement when deciding the purchase. While previous generations were mainly influenced by older generations, this generation is influenced by similar ages of influencers. In addition, they are familiar with sharing their interest and producing contents, and they can be seen as a consumer of culture and a producer.


17歲的說(shuō)唱歌手Lil Pump穿Gucci產(chǎn)品演唱的Gucci Gang,在Billboard排行榜上名列第三。他通過(guò)Facebook,Instagram和YouTube對(duì)這首歌進(jìn)行各種視頻營(yíng)銷。2017年,以“Gucci” 和 “Gucci-ish”為關(guān)鍵詞的谷歌搜索量也高居時(shí)尚類榜首。當(dāng)其他品牌擔(dān)心自己的品牌形象會(huì)在網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間受損時(shí),Gucci在網(wǎng)絡(luò)進(jìn)行投資,使Gucci成為千禧一代和Z世代喜愛(ài)的品牌。

A 17-year-old rapper Lil Pump who is wearing Gucci products all over his body sang Gucci Gang and has reached number 3 on the Billboard charts. He conducted various video marketing through Facebook, Instagram and YouTube with this song. The number of Google searches with the keyword 'Gucci' or 'Gucci-ish' also topped the fashion category in 2017. When other luxury brands worry that their brand image will be damaged in the online space, Gucci invest in online branding and made Gucci a brand loved by millennials and generation Z.


通過(guò)摘錄、模仿和再加工一些現(xiàn)有內(nèi)容而產(chǎn)生的模因,是業(yè)余愛(ài)好者和粉絲自愿創(chuàng)作并傳播到SNS的一種游戲文化。它像病毒一樣迅速傳播,并給分享相同模因的群體一種強(qiáng)烈的同質(zhì)感。最近,它作為一種代表千禧一代和 z 一代的數(shù)字游戲文化受到了廣泛關(guān)注。美國(guó)雜志《紐約客》稱TikTok為模因工廠,TikTok在美的用戶年齡60%為16到24歲之間,它是一款經(jīng)過(guò)優(yōu)化的應(yīng)用程序,用戶可以消費(fèi)15秒左右的短視頻,也可以自己制作內(nèi)容。年輕人可以通過(guò)TikTok來(lái)復(fù)制和創(chuàng)造新的模因。TikTok不同的兩個(gè)視頻有多種混音,并且不同的人編輯相同的圖像,可以產(chǎn)生新的,感覺(jué)不一樣的圖像。此外,“挑戰(zhàn)”文化最近在TikTok變得流行起來(lái)。從表演特定任務(wù),到舞蹈挑戰(zhàn),再到偶像歌曲,各式各樣的挑戰(zhàn)正在TikTok中舉行。因此,千禧一代和Z世代正通過(guò)TikTok積極地引領(lǐng)內(nèi)容市場(chǎng)。

The meme, which is created by excerpts, parody, and reprocessing some of the existing content, is consumed as a play culture that amateurs and fans voluntarily make and spread to SNS. It spreads rapidly like viruses and gives a strong sense of homogeneity to groups that share the same memes. Recently, it has been getting attention as a digital play culture representing the millennial and generation Z. The American magazine New Yorker also called the TikTok a meme factory, which the 60% of Tiktok users in US are 16 to 24 years old. TikTok is an app optimized to consume short videos of about 15 seconds or to produce content by oneself. Young people can reproduce memes or create new memes by using Tiktok. There are many remixes of two different videos of Tiktok, and new images are recreated in a different feeling depending on the person who edits the same images. In addition, the 'challenge' culture has recently become popular in Tiktok. Various types of challenges are being held, ranging from to perform a specific mission or dance challenge to dance to the songs of idols. As such, the millennials and generation Z is actively leading the content market through Tiktok.

千禧一代和 z 世代把消費(fèi)看成是當(dāng)前的滿足感,而不是未來(lái)的儲(chǔ)蓄,新的體驗(yàn)是必須的投資。即使減少了其他方面的開(kāi)支,他們也會(huì)根據(jù)自己的心情和目的,投資消費(fèi)一種不同尋常的、更加現(xiàn)實(shí)的體驗(yàn)。

The millennials and generation Z who focus on consumption for current satisfaction rather than savings for the future, new experiences are a must-investment. Even if they reduce the expenditure on other parts, they invest in consuming an unusual and more realistic experience depending on their mood and purpose.


創(chuàng)造與眾不同的概念空間,引導(dǎo)用戶體驗(yàn)和購(gòu)買眼鏡產(chǎn)品,Gentle Monster在空間上充了產(chǎn)品購(gòu)買與體驗(yàn)價(jià)值的空間策略,給千禧一代和Z世代帶來(lái)好感。針對(duì)線上線下,他們同時(shí)有效滿足了這幾代人的體驗(yàn)型消費(fèi)傾向。

Gentle Monster's spatial strategy, which made a space of unusual concept and lead to experience and purchased glasses products in it, filled the experiential value of product purchases in the space and led to the favorable feeling of the millennials and generation Z. It is effective to meet the experience-oriented consumption tendency of these generations by simultaneously targeting on-line and off-line.


Nike通過(guò)各種營(yíng)銷活動(dòng),提供令人愉悅的跑步體驗(yàn),引領(lǐng)跑步趨勢(shì)。在每年都舉辦高水平跑步活動(dòng),并且可以與專業(yè)教練和參與者一起訓(xùn)練的Nike + Run Club上,根據(jù)不同的距離、速度和水平等技能,Nike為跑步者提供定制的跑步程序。Nike的營(yíng)銷策略注重運(yùn)動(dòng)的難忘體驗(yàn),而不僅僅是銷售運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋,因?yàn)槟切w驗(yàn)到跑步樂(lè)趣的年輕消費(fèi)者會(huì)在社交媒體上,不斷上傳展示自己跑步記錄的照片。

Nike is leading the running trend through various marketing activities that provide a pleasant running experience. Nike + Run Club, which hosts the highest level of running events every year and can train with professional trainers and participants, provides customized running programs for various runners according to their skills such as distance, speed and level. Nike's marketing strategy is focused on the unforgettable experience of sports, not just selling sneakers, as young consumers who have experienced the pleasure of running on social media every day are constantly uploaded with photos that boast their running records.


The millennials and generation Z pursues rational consumption and tend to put investment on theirselves first. The way of accepting a brand is also selectively done depending on what value the brand pursues, what style it has, and how much it fits with themselves. In the past, luxury brands have strategically excluded pop culture, but now they are showing various attempts targeting the young generation. For the millennials and generation Z , who are emerging as the most influential consumer now, brands will need marketing that can directly attract their taste and give fun rather than the elegant brand strategy that they have pursued in the past.

Chrome Hearts x Converse Chuck Taylors

Chrome Hearts和Converse合作打造的全明星運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋已經(jīng)發(fā)布。這款聯(lián)名運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋世上僅有一雙,用Chrome Hearts的識(shí)別標(biāo)志-金屬十字徽標(biāo)緊密地貼在匡威運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋中設(shè)計(jì)而成。這款運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋在Bam Margiela的Instagram上發(fā)布,他一直在發(fā)穿著聯(lián)名運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋進(jìn)行滑板運(yùn)動(dòng)的視頻。

The all-star sneakers which is created through a collaboration between Chrome Hearts and Converse have been released. The collaboration sneakers are only one pair exists in the world and designed in a form that metal cross logo, which is the signature of Chrome Hearts, is tightly attached in Converse sneakers. The sneaker was released on the Instagram of Bam Margiela, who has been releasing videos of his skateboarding wearing collaboration sneakers.

Chanel Game Center


Luxury brand Chanel opened a game center. When you enter this game center, you will find an interesting world where cosmetics and entertainment coexist. Chanel aimed at the effect of shoppertainment (shopping + entertainment) with the concept of a game arcade. Rather than inducing one-dimensional purchase of a brand product, it is important to make people experience the brand and to make a young image. The quality and caustic ratio are important, but it is more important whether the brand experience is attractive and fun to target the millennials and generation Z.

Louis Vuitton x NIGO

Louis Vuitton設(shè)計(jì)師Virgil Abloh和NIGO(日本街頭時(shí)尚的傳奇人物和Human Made的創(chuàng)始人)進(jìn)行了一次合作。NIGO曾為日本代表性街頭品牌Bape工作,Humanmade是NIGO于2010年創(chuàng)立的服裝品牌,正在推出基于日常主題的美國(guó)復(fù)古休閑服裝。這一合作,是通過(guò)Louis Vuitton 2020年秋季前系列外觀手冊(cè)公布的,由標(biāo)題為L(zhǎng)V2的設(shè)計(jì)產(chǎn)品組成,用Nigo的風(fēng)格表達(dá)Louis Vuitton的特征。當(dāng)這兩個(gè)在高級(jí)時(shí)裝和街頭品牌領(lǐng)域處于領(lǐng)先地位的品牌打破界限,展現(xiàn)出前所未有的融合,千禧一代和Z一代都非常喜歡。

Louis Vuitton's designer Virgil Ablo and NIGO, the legend of Japanese street fashion and the founder of Humanmade, have collaborated together. Humanmade is a clothing brand founded in 2010 by NIGO, who worked for a representative street brand in Japan, Bape. Humanmade is introducing American vintage casual style costumes that are based on everyday themes. This collaboration, which was unveiled through Louis Vuitton's 2020 pre-fall collection look-book, consists of design products with the title of LV2 and expressing Louis Vuitton's signature in Nigo's style. When the two brands that were leading the way in each area of high fashion and street brand broke down the boundary and showed the fusion which has never been before, the millennials and generation Z love it.



The sales strategy called drop refers to the way in which limited editions or products made in small quantities are sold in a surprise manner through some stores or social networks. Burberry has launched a new product that targets the tastes of younger generations on the 17th of each month, which is limited to online, inspired by streetwear brand drop strategies such as Supreme. The drop-type sales strategy is a strategy that can satisfy the needs of the millennials and generation Z, which has a desire to own special products.


PALACE是一個(gè)以滑板服裝為主,對(duì)年輕人有很大影響的英國(guó)街頭品牌,在英國(guó)被稱為“Superme”。PALACE使用街頭文化經(jīng)常引用的復(fù)古元素來(lái)打造品牌形象。PALACE 公司有意通過(guò)模擬VHC(家庭視頻系統(tǒng))的拍攝方式進(jìn)行市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷。他們還通過(guò)模仿不同的品牌或制作看起來(lái)像是開(kāi)玩笑的產(chǎn)品說(shuō)明頁(yè),來(lái)迎合想要獨(dú)特和新鮮事物的,年輕一代的口味。通過(guò)這些營(yíng)銷,PALACE得到了喜歡復(fù)古和街頭文化的年輕一代的好評(píng)。

PALACE is a British street brand which mainly has skateboard clothing and has a great influence on young people that it is called Superme in UK. As a street brand, PALACE uses retro elements that are often cited in street culture to create the brand image. PALACE has intentionally attempted marketing through analogue VHS (video home system) shooting. They also try to target the tastes of younger generations who want unique and new things, by parodying different brands or making product description pages that seem to be written as a joke. Through these marketing, PALACE has got a good response from the younger generation who like retro and street culture.


與其他時(shí)尚品牌不同,Lululemon強(qiáng)調(diào)通過(guò)品牌而不是產(chǎn)品本身獲得體驗(yàn)。Lululemon有各種各樣的項(xiàng)目,如瑜伽、冥想、現(xiàn)代舞和跑步,顧客可以定期參加,并一起享受鍛煉和文化。Lululemon的 核心哲學(xué)是汗水生活,這是一種喜歡流汗,熱愛(ài)生活的人的生活方式。千禧一代和Z世代更喜歡穿能讓自己滿意的衣服,而不是穿衣服給別人看,Lululemon品牌本身就能吸引到他們?,F(xiàn)有的時(shí)尚服裝市場(chǎng)總體呈下降趨勢(shì),但運(yùn)動(dòng)休閑服裝市場(chǎng)在年輕一代中穩(wěn)步增長(zhǎng)。

Different from other fashion brands, Lululemon emphasizes the experience that can be gained through the brand than the product itself. Lululemon has various programs such as yoga, meditation, modern dance and running that customers can regularly participate in, and enjoys exercise and culture together. At the heart of Lululemon’s philosophy is sweat life, which means a lifestyle of people who love sweating and love their lives. The branding of Lululemon alone could appeal to the millennials and generation Z who prefer to wear which can satisfy themselves rather than to wear clothes to show others. The existing fashion apparel market is declining overall, but the athleisure wear market is steadily growing in the young generation. 

Alexander Wang x McDonalds

去年11月,Alexander Wang發(fā)布了一款新產(chǎn)品,緞面午餐袋。因?yàn)橥庑慰崴汽湲?dāng)勞的午餐袋,這款產(chǎn)品備受關(guān)注。Alexander Wang后來(lái)與麥當(dāng)勞合作發(fā)布了午餐袋和野餐籃。他說(shuō)“麥當(dāng)勞品牌一直是最接近流行文化的品牌,能夠參與到創(chuàng)意項(xiàng)目中來(lái),我感到很榮幸”。麥當(dāng)勞中國(guó)首席營(yíng)銷官徐佳婷(Christine Xu)也提到,“與Alexander Wang的合作反映了中國(guó)消費(fèi)者對(duì)新理念和創(chuàng)新的強(qiáng)烈渴望,我希望這次合作能使人們微笑,能給他們的日常生活帶來(lái)微小但令人驚嘆的快樂(lè)”。

In November last year, Alexander Wang released a new product, the satin lunch bag clutch. This product got some attention because the shape resembled McDonald's lunch bag. Alexander Wang later released McDonald's lunch bag and picnic basket through collaboration with McDonald's. He said "The McDonald's brand is always the closest to pop culture and is honored to participate in creative projects,". McDonald's China CMO, Christine Xu also mentioned that "The collaboration with Alexander Wang reflects the strong desire of Chinese consumers for new ideas and innovations. I hope this collaboration will make people smile and give them a small but amazing pleasure in their daily lives."

CocaCola NewCoke x Stranger Things


In 1985, Coca-Cola launched a new recipe to win their competitor Pepsi, but it stopped production in three months after its launch due to strong opposition from existing consumers. The New Coke, returned with Netflix drama ‘Stranger Things 3’ in 30 years. Young generations who have not experienced New Coke 30 years ago have been curious about the taste of New Coke through this drama, and Coca-Cola has reproduced the recipe as well as the design through a special pop-up store, and sold this limited edition New Coke.

Gompyo Flour

Gompyo最初是韓國(guó)磨坊公司具有代表性的面粉品牌,但現(xiàn)在,它與LG家居&保健、Run Rabbit、Swanicoco和4XR等各種品牌合作,以復(fù)古概念展示了廚房清潔劑、化妝品、服裝、啤酒等各種產(chǎn)品。雖然“面粉等于Gompyo”在中年人中根深蒂固,但它被認(rèn)為是適合年輕一代的,新穎而有趣的品牌。這種激進(jìn)而富有挑戰(zhàn)性的變化使其成為的復(fù)古品牌。

Gompyo was originally a representative flour brand of company called Korean mill, but now it is showing various products such as kitchen detergent, cosmetics, clothing, beer through collaboration with various brands such as LG Household & Health Care, Run Rabbit, Swanicoco and 4XR in retro concept. The fact that flour equals Gompyo is a stereotype that has been deeply rooted in middle-aged people, but it is recognized as a new and fun brand suitable for the the younger generations. This radical and challenging change in Gompyo has made them the most popular retro brand.

Jinro Soju

Jinro是最近隨著newtro潮流而更新的品牌之一。 Jinro透露了“ Jinro is back”的logo和淺藍(lán)色瓶包裝。這款重新詮釋了他們?cè)瓉?lái)品牌形象的產(chǎn)品在推出后兩個(gè)月內(nèi)就實(shí)現(xiàn)了銷售目標(biāo)。 Jinro正通過(guò)與Obey,Covernat等街頭時(shí)尚品牌合作,與戶外品牌Helinox發(fā)行野餐裝等方式,努力吸引年輕一代。

Jinro is one of the brands that have recently renewed with the newtro trend. Jinro revealed the 'Jinro is back' logo and light blue bottle package, which reinterpreted their original brand identity has achieved the target sales amount within two months after launching . Jinro is making efforts to appeal to the younger generation by collaborating with street fashion brands like Obey, Covernat and releasing picnic sets with outdoor brand Helinox.

Louis Vuitton x LOL

積極抓住年輕消費(fèi)者的Louis Vuitton也將數(shù)字營(yíng)銷擴(kuò)展到了電子競(jìng)技領(lǐng)域。Louis Vuitton與英雄聯(lián)盟合作的特別目標(biāo)似乎是中國(guó)消費(fèi)者,因?yàn)樗麄兿M肔oldCup (英雄聯(lián)盟+世界杯)在中國(guó)的流行來(lái)擴(kuò)展消費(fèi)者的體驗(yàn)。

Louis Vuitton, which is aggressively marketing young consumers, has also expanded its digital marketing to e-sports. The Louis Vuitton's League of Legend partnership seems to have especially targeted for Chinese consumers since they expect to expand customer experience by utilizing the popularity of LoldCup(League of Legend + World cup) in China.


韓國(guó)皇室游戲PUBG與日本街頭品牌BAPE合作。通過(guò)這次合作,BAPE發(fā)布了含有PUBG品牌元素的標(biāo)志性產(chǎn)品,比如鯊魚迷彩拉鏈風(fēng)帽、短袖襯衫、背包和其他物品。如果用戶在現(xiàn)實(shí)中購(gòu)買這些產(chǎn)品,他們將獲得可以在游戲中使用的代碼,這些代碼可以獲取 BAPE的物品。通過(guò)這款合作產(chǎn)品,PUBG的用戶不僅可以在現(xiàn)實(shí),還可以在游戲中看起來(lái)獨(dú)特而時(shí)尚。

A Korean battle royal game PUBG and a Japanese street brand BAPE collaborated together. Through this collaboration, BAPE's iconic products such as shark camo zip-up hood, short-sleeved shirts, backpacks, and other items with PUBG brand elements were released. If the user buy these products in reality, they will be given code to get BAPE items that can be used in the game. Through this collaboration product, PUBG users can look unique and trendy not only in reality but also in the game.

Animal crossing

與被新冠疫情捆住了手和腳的現(xiàn)實(shí)世界不同,動(dòng)物之森允許人們?cè)谔摂M空間中享受日常生活,它給那些不得不呆在家里的人帶來(lái)了滿足感。在這個(gè)游戲中,你可以通過(guò)換幾件在現(xiàn)實(shí)中很難穿的衣服來(lái)展示你的時(shí)尚感。隨著游戲?qū)r(shí)尚越來(lái)越感興趣,品牌也進(jìn)入了虛擬世界。Valentino在動(dòng)物之森中發(fā)布了二十種風(fēng)格的衣服,Mark Jacobs 免費(fèi)發(fā)布了6套,Anna Sui和 GCDS也有參與。對(duì)于追求個(gè)性和自我滿足的千禧一代與Z世代來(lái)說(shuō),游戲中的服飾和配飾成為了一種很好的推廣品牌的方式。

Unlike the real world, where Corona has tied people’s hands and feet, the Animal Forest allows people to enjoy everyday life in the virtual space which has provided surrogate satisfaction to those who have to spend time at home. In this game, you can show off your fashion sense by changing several luxury clothes that are hard to wear in reality. As the interest in fashion in the game grew, luxury brands also entered the virtual world. Valentino introduced twenty styles of clothes in animal forests, and Mark Jacobs distributed six new clothing free of charge in the game. Anna Sui and GCDS also participated. The luxury costumes and accessories in the game have become a great way to promote the power brand for the millennials and generation Z who pursues personality and self-satisfaction.

Zepeto x Blackpink

全球AR角色服務(wù)公司Zepeto與韓國(guó)偶像Black Pink有過(guò)一次代表性的合作。由于 Zepeto APP沒(méi)有時(shí)間和空間的限制,粉絲可以和Black Pink的角色合照,并一起享受和參加各種各樣的活動(dòng)。如今,年輕一代喜歡在網(wǎng)上創(chuàng)建他們自己的角色,這些角色生活在網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間,比在現(xiàn)實(shí)擁有更多的自由。

Global AR avatar service Zepeto has presented collaboration with Korean pop idol Black Pink. Since there are no restriction in time and space within Zepeto app, fans can take pictures with avatarized Black Pink members or enjoy a variety of activities together. These days, young people enjoy creating their own character (multi persona) in the online space, living in the online space that can have more freedom than reality. 

Fortnite x Travis Scott

Travis Scott在 《堡壘之夜》的游戲世界中舉辦演唱會(huì)并發(fā)布新歌。1230萬(wàn)用戶在世界第五大游戲中同時(shí)觀看了這場(chǎng)show。他們實(shí)時(shí)演出,用戶則在游戲中交流和享受這場(chǎng)演唱會(huì)。在因?yàn)樾鹿谝咔闊o(wú)法舉辦演唱會(huì)的情況下,通過(guò)游戲進(jìn)行的虛擬演唱會(huì)給年輕一代帶來(lái)了特別的樂(lè)趣。

Travis Scott held a concert at the Fortnite Games and also released the new song.12.3 million people watched the show at the same time in this fifth largest game of the world. They performed in real time and the users communicated and enjoyed the concert in the game. In a situation where Corona can not have a real concert, virtual concerts through games have given special fun to younger generations.

Peace Elite x Tesla


Peace Elite is a battle royal mobile game made by Tencent Games. Peace Elite has included Tesla cars that can be driven directly within the game through collaboration with Tesla, a well-known American electric car brand. Previously, when Peace Elite launched a Maserati car that can be played in the game, the number of game users increased to 27 million. The collaboration with Tesla is also expected to have a huge advertising effect.

Snapchat x Demian Hirst

當(dāng)代最著名的英國(guó)藝術(shù)家 Damien Hirst發(fā)明了一種 Snapchat鏡頭,任何人都可以在Snapchat APP中使用AR技術(shù)來(lái)體驗(yàn)他的旋轉(zhuǎn)作品。有了這個(gè)鏡頭,人們可以用Demian Hirst完成作品的方式在APP上作畫。Damien Hirst和Snapchat建議通過(guò)這個(gè)項(xiàng)目,向那些致力于為弱勢(shì)群體提供現(xiàn)代醫(yī)學(xué)科學(xué)的非盈利組織捐款。這項(xiàng)捐贈(zèng)政策使Snapchat得到了不大會(huì)為社會(huì)或環(huán)境花錢的,千禧一代和Z世代的巨大反響。

One of the most notable British artist of contemporary artists Damien Hirst created a Snapchat lens that allows anyone to experience his spin works using augmented reality within the Snapchat app. With this lens, people can paint on the app the way the actual Demian Hirst completes his work. Through the project, Damien Hirst and Snapchat are recommending donations to non-profit social organizations that strive to provide modern medical science to vulnerable communities. Through this donation policy, Snapchat was able to get a great response from the millennials and generation Z who does not spare money for social or environmental significance.

KAWS Virtual Gallery

隨著新冠病毒對(duì)空間的日益限制,世界各地的一些畫廊和博物館允許人們?cè)诰€觀看他們的展覽。最近墨爾本國(guó)家美術(shù)館與年輕一代喜愛(ài)的藝術(shù)家 KAWS共同舉辦了一個(gè)虛擬展覽。進(jìn)入NGV網(wǎng)站,人們可以在一個(gè)由3D構(gòu)成的空間里欣賞一個(gè)逼真的展覽。此外,KAWS還與Acute Art合作,創(chuàng)作了可在全球12個(gè)城市體驗(yàn)的AR雕塑。Acute Art通過(guò)積極利用VR和AR等尖端技術(shù),引入了新的視覺(jué)藝術(shù)形式。通過(guò)手機(jī)的AR技術(shù),用戶可以自由地觀看用3D實(shí)現(xiàn)的KAWS雕塑。采用這一先進(jìn)技術(shù)的展覽超越了時(shí)間和空間的限制,同時(shí)展示了綠色展覽的可能性。

With the corona virus increasing spatial constraints, several galleries and museums around the world are allowing people to view their exhibitions online. Recently, the National Gallery of Melbourne opened a virtual exhibition with KAWS, the artist who is loved by younger generations. Entering the NGV website, people can enjoy a realistic exhibition in a space composed of 3D. In addition, KAWS has created AR sculptures that can be experienced in 12 cities around the world by collaborating with Acute Art, which introduces new forms of visual art by actively utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as VR and AR. Through the AR technology of the mobile phone, the user can freely view the KAWS sculpture implemented in 3D. The exhibition using this advanced technology transcended the constraints of exhibition space and time, and at the same time showed the possibility of eco-friendly exhibition.

Apple [AR]T

使用AR技術(shù),蘋果發(fā)布了一款名為[AR]T的體驗(yàn)系列。該系列由交互式 [AR]T Walk組成,其中包括世界著名的當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家的AR作品;以及Apple Store的[AR]T,用戶可以在全球所有蘋果商店體驗(yàn)AR作品。[[AR]T Walk的概念是體驗(yàn)舊金山、倫敦、香港和東京等城市,并在每個(gè)城市街道行走的同時(shí),通過(guò)iPhone的AR技術(shù)欣賞藝術(shù)作品。在Apple Store的[AR]T中,用戶可以在蘋果專賣店欣賞Nick Cave擴(kuò)增現(xiàn)實(shí)的藝術(shù)作品。專注于向數(shù)字原生一代分享有趣經(jīng)驗(yàn)的方式,令蘋果的AR技術(shù)推廣取得了成功。

Apple has released an experience series using augmented reality called [AR]T. This [AR]T series consists of interactive [AR]T Walk, which includes AR works by world-renowned contemporary artists, and [AR]T at the Apple Store, where you can experience AR works in all Apple stores around the world. [[AR]T Walk has the concept of experiencing cities such as San Francisco, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo, and enjoying art through the AR technology of iPhone while walking the streets of each city. [AR]T at the Apple Store, which can be experienced in the Apple Store, can enjoy Nick Cave's augmented reality artwork in the Apple Store store. Apple's AR technology promotion focusing to share interesting experiences to the digital native generation has been successful.


The millennials and generation Z are digital natives who use mobile devices overwhelmingly higher than any other generation. These younger generations who can communicate beyond the spatial and temporal limits through mobile devices, enjoy communicating with peers through images and videos, get news and information through the community, and reveal their individuality more freely. These characteristics of this generations have also been applied to mobile app preferences. For the millennials and generation Z, mobile apps are used almost every part of their daily lives, from communication to socializing, shopping and banking. In this section, we will share about the mobile services that are emerging among the young generation market.

年輕一代喜歡根據(jù)圖片或視頻來(lái)尋找、編輯和分享他們想要的信息,他們喜歡不厭其煩地制作和消費(fèi)在線內(nèi)容來(lái)展現(xiàn)自己。此外,千禧一代和Z世代熱衷于不到一分鐘的短視頻。因?yàn)槟贻p人非??释煤?jiǎn)單易行的方式制作和分享他們的日常故事,可以制作短視頻的,像Instagram 和 TikTok一樣的APP越來(lái)越受歡迎。

The younger generations enjoys finding, editing, and sharing information they want based on images or videos. They enjoy showing off themselves by producing and consuming online contents without repulsion. Also, the millennials and generation Z are enthusiastic about short videos of less than a minute, not long breathing. Like Instagram and TikTok, apps that users make their own short-form videos have gained popularity because young people had a great desire to make and share their everyday stories in a simple and easy way.



TikTok provides a variety of tools that helps people to create a short form video contents. The filters that decorate faces through AR technology, various stickers, speed controler, reverse playback and slow motion function can be applied to the user’s video just by pressing several buttons. Unlike other video platforms, users can be easily edit their videos and share to have fun.

Instagram story

Instagram Story是一項(xiàng)功能,它允許用戶將照片和視頻分享到訂閱源,并實(shí)時(shí)分享他們的日常生活。Instagram Story有一個(gè)特點(diǎn),內(nèi)容會(huì)在24小時(shí)之后消失。因?yàn)橹纼?nèi)容會(huì)很快就消失,用戶可以以一種更隨意的方式,實(shí)時(shí)展示他們的日常生活。Instagram Story受到喜歡獲取關(guān)注,喜歡展示和表現(xiàn)自己的千禧一代和Z世代的歡迎。

Instagram Story is a function that allows users to upload photos and videos to their feed and share their daily lives in real time. The Instagram Story has a special feature that contents disappears after 24 hours. People can show their daily lives in real time, in a more casual way since they know the content will disappear soon. Instagram stories gained popularity from millennials and generation Z who enjoy receiving attention and enjoying revealing and showing off themselves. 



Instagram also launched IGTV, a new video platform that allows users to upload videos up to an hour long. IGTV opened mobile-optimized video channels and lowered the threshold for new influencers. While YouTube has a significantly lower percentage of YouTubers who publish content than consumers, Instagram has more potential for users to become a provider than just al consumers by posting content on their personal accounts using IGTV.


Unlike previous generations who searched books or portal sites for information, millennials and generation Z like to get answers by asking questions on video contents based mobile apps or social media that can provide immediate feedback and communication.



YouTube is the largest mobile app used by millennials and generation Z to acquire information. For example, when they want to know how to cook, younger generation search YouTube instead of reading books or search on portal sites. According to a recent study, 59 % of millennials and generation Z prefer to learn from YouTube videos and 55% said what they learned on YouTube was actually helpful. For these generations, YouTube has become a platform for education as well as entertainment.


Twitch是一款千禧一代和Z世代都喜歡的,特定游戲流媒體服務(wù)。Twitch針對(duì)的是想在游戲文化中進(jìn)行積極交流的游戲粉絲,作為一名社區(qū)成員,他們?cè)赥witch內(nèi)感到聯(lián)系,自愿管理和擴(kuò)大Twitch的文化,并喜歡觀看和交流他們喜歡的 star streamers.

Twitch is a game-specific streaming service which millennials and generation Z like. Twitch is targeted for game fans who wants to actively communicate inside the game culture. Game fans feel connected within Twitch, voluntarily manage and expand Twitch's culture as a community member and enjoy seeing and communicating with their favorite star streamers.



Reddit is an American social news community site. Basically, it is a huge community site, but it focuses on sharing interesting information and news, rather than on communication among members like social network services. The millennials and generation Z visits Reddit community to learn about certain topics they are interested in. According to the survey, 87% of the millennials and generation Z said there are communities in Reddit that contain all the information they want.


As the tastes of the millennials and generation Z are becoming more personalized and subdivided, they want content that suits their own tastes. Curation service analyzes individual tastes and recommends suitable content. Recently, AI technology has allowed for users to get recommendation of contents they want more delicately.


Spotify的每周發(fā)現(xiàn)功能, 可以自動(dòng)分析用戶聽(tīng)過(guò)的,并推薦適合他們口味的音樂(lè)。用戶聽(tīng)得越多,越能得到更好的推薦。通過(guò)這個(gè)功能,Spotify已經(jīng)成為世界上最好的音樂(lè)流媒體平臺(tái),它滿足了許多千禧一代和Z世代的口味。

Spotify's discover weekly feature is a function that automatically analyzes the music that users have listened to and recommends music which suits their tastes. More and more they listen to, the they can get better recommendation. Through this function, Spotify has become the world's best music streaming platform, satisfying the tastes of many millennials and generation Z.


Zamface是一項(xiàng)利用AI技術(shù)搜索 beauty YouTubers,并給用戶推薦適合他們口味的美妝視頻的服務(wù)。Zamface在年輕一代中越來(lái)越受歡迎,它的訂閱用戶中,95%的年齡在13至24歲之間。Z世代通過(guò)beauty Youtuber的視頻關(guān)注和學(xué)習(xí)化妝方法,這是準(zhǔn)確讀取了他們的需求,并利用AR技術(shù)不斷對(duì)服務(wù)進(jìn)行創(chuàng)新的結(jié)果。

Zamface is a service that recommends makeup videos suitable for users by searching the video contents of beauty YouTubers with AI technology. Zamface is gaining huge popularity among younger generation that 95% of all subscribers are aged 13 to 24. This is the result of accurately reading the needs of generation Z to follow and learn makeup methods through the beauty Youtuber video and continuously innovating the service using AI technology."


There are a lot of messaging services but few of them are loved by the millennials and generation Z. Younger generation sometimes feel more comfortable communicating online than meeting face to face and they are familiar to share their online status in real time. There are some services which focused on their characteristics. 

Facebook Messenger

Facebook messenger在用戶界面只留下兩個(gè)按鈕,將功能最小化,并特別強(qiáng)調(diào)社交功能。Facebook messenger帶來(lái)了Instagram story的功能,用戶可以在messenger中查看朋友的故事,也可以隨時(shí)查看朋友的連接狀態(tài)。千禧一代和Z世代通過(guò)移動(dòng)設(shè)備與每個(gè)人建立聯(lián)系是自然而然的。對(duì)于他們來(lái)說(shuō),不需要與真正的朋友見(jiàn)面,就能感覺(jué)到彼此在一起,因?yàn)檫@樣,facebook的messenger收獲了巨大的人氣。

Facebook messenger minimized the function by leaving only two buttons on UI and particularly emphasized the socializing functions. Facebook messenger brings the Instagram story function to check the friend's story in the messenger and the user can always check the friend's connection status. It is natural that millennials and generation Z are connected to everyone through mobile devices. For them, Facebook messengers are gaining huge popularity by making them feel if they were next to each other without actually having to meet friends in real.


Zenly 是在一款基于谷歌地圖的社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)信息服務(wù),它在青少年中很受歡迎。Zenly 有一項(xiàng)普通messenger服務(wù)沒(méi)有的獨(dú)特的功能。如果你使用Zenly ,你可以獲知你朋友的位置,速度和剩余電量,當(dāng)你與朋友相遇時(shí),APP警報(bào)會(huì)顯示你正在遇見(jiàn)他的事實(shí)。 Zenly 在Z世代中如此受歡迎的原因是,其他幾代人經(jīng)常認(rèn)為分享自己的位置是對(duì)隱私的侵犯,而年輕一代則認(rèn)為共享位置很有趣,可以確認(rèn)與朋友的關(guān)系。

Zenly is a social network messenger service based on Google Maps and is popular among teenagers. It has cute and simple interfaces and various functions which younger generation likes. Zenly has unique functions that are not available in ordinary messenger services. If you use Zenly, you are able to know the location, speed, and remaining battery amount of registered friends, and when you meet friends, the app alarm shows the fact that you met them. The reason why Zenly is so popular among generation Z was that other generations often thought that sharing one's location is an invasion of privacy, while younger generation reckon sharing the location is considered fun and confirm the relationship with friends.

考慮到千禧一代和Z世代強(qiáng)調(diào)概念和故事的性格特征,許多公司為之創(chuàng)造了新的角色,并通過(guò)年輕人可以共情的故事與他們進(jìn)行交流。 年輕人現(xiàn)在熟悉圖像或視頻而不是文字,他們通過(guò)創(chuàng)建自己的角色內(nèi)容來(lái)引領(lǐng)新文化,并通過(guò)將自己喜歡的角色轉(zhuǎn)化為“文化因子”來(lái)自愿推廣。 此外,虛擬網(wǎng)紅已經(jīng)成為一種新的營(yíng)銷工具,以熱衷于網(wǎng)紅的年輕人為營(yíng)銷對(duì)象。

Considering the characteristics of the millennials and generation Z who emphasize concept and story, companies create new characters and communicate with young people through stories that they can sympathize with. These generations, who are familiar with images or videos rather than texts, lead a new culture by creating their own character contents and voluntarily promote the characters which they have affection by making it into memes. In addition, virtual influencers have become a new marketing tool to target young generations who are enthusiastic about influencers.

許多公司根據(jù)年輕一代的口味,使用角色I(xiàn)P內(nèi)容來(lái)制作短視頻。 最近,可以實(shí)時(shí)反饋用戶響應(yīng)并可以在社交平臺(tái)上快速傳播和輕松消費(fèi)的短視頻內(nèi)容,已成為一種有效的營(yíng)銷工具。 它以機(jī)智的短片而不是長(zhǎng)篇故事片吸引年輕的消費(fèi)者。

Many companies use character IP contents to produce short forms of video according to the taste of younger generations. Recently, the short video content that can check the user's response in real-time and can be rapidly spread and consumed easily on SNS has become an effective marketing tool. It attracts young consumers with a witty short video rather than a long story video.

以BT21角色品牌為例,通過(guò)使用其角色I(xiàn)P在TikTok中制作模仿的格式,產(chǎn)生了大量與年輕一代的口味相匹配的內(nèi)容,并受到年輕人的喜愛(ài)。 此外,它們還提供了用于粘貼TikTok視頻內(nèi)容的角色貼紙,使用戶可以自然地在他們制作的內(nèi)容中宣傳角色。 以Spotify和華為為例,通過(guò)使用一些適合年輕一代口味的流行藝術(shù)家的人物IP分享短視頻,將新的品牌形象傳達(dá)給了這些世代。

In the case of the BT21 character brand, by producing a parody the format in Tiktok using their character IP, they produce contents that match the tastes of the younger generations and get their favorable feeling. In addition, they provide character stickers to be used for editing Tiktoc video contents that allow users to naturally promote the characters in the contents they make. In the case of Spotify and Huawei, the new brand image was conveyed to these generations by sharing short videos using some trendy artist’s character IP that suits the taste of the younger generation.

千禧一代和Z世代人都熟悉IT設(shè)備,他們很容易以數(shù)字形式繪制事物。 這些世代傾向于將自己的日常生活制作成短片,然后將其上傳到社交平臺(tái)上。 他們制作這些簡(jiǎn)短的動(dòng)畫片來(lái)表達(dá)自己的個(gè)性。 卡桑德拉卡林(Cassandracalin)和Min4rin則是根據(jù)作為女性的經(jīng)歷來(lái)日常創(chuàng)作。 他們的漫畫獲得了女性的大力支持和同情,并且還出版問(wèn)世。 這些案例成為Instagram被認(rèn)可為另一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通平臺(tái)的開(kāi)始。 以洋基基為例,他幽默地在自己的社交平臺(tái)上刊登了關(guān)于“工作中非理性狀況”的簡(jiǎn)短漫畫。 隨著千禧一代和Z世代的到來(lái),他的故事已在工人群體中引發(fā)許多話題,而且這些內(nèi)容已通過(guò)書籍、在線表情包、商品和廣告的形式被大眾消費(fèi)。

The millennials and generation Z are familiar with IT devices that they easily draw things in a digital form. These generations tend to draw about their daily lives into a short cartoon and upload it in their own SNS. They produce this short form cartoon to express their personality. Cassandracalin and Min4rin draw their daily lives based on experiences as a woman. Their cartoons had gained a lot of support and sympathy from women and came out as a book. These cases become the start for Instagram to be recognized as another webtoon platform. In the case of Yangchikii, he humorously published a short cartoon on his SNS about an irrational situation at work. Along with the millennials and generation Z, his stories have become a lot of issues among workers, and these contents have been consumed through books, online stickers, goods, and advertisements.

千禧一代和Z世代人認(rèn)為,表情包是一種新型的交流工具。 表情包是數(shù)字世界中獨(dú)特的交流工具,可幫助清晰直觀地表達(dá)情感并理解信息。 對(duì)于那些喜歡在不面對(duì)面的情況下進(jìn)行交流的人來(lái)說(shuō),表情包已成為一種超越語(yǔ)言障礙的強(qiáng)大交流工具。 如今,千禧一代和Z世代使用表情包多于書寫,他們甚至只使用表情包交談。

Millennials and Generation Z thinks emoji as a new way of communication tool. Emoji is a unique communication tool in the digital world that helps to express emotions clearly and intuitively understand the message. For those who prefer to communicate without meeting face-to-face, emoji is emerging as a powerful communication tool beyond the barriers of language. Nowadays, millennials and generation Z use emoji more than writing. They even talk through using emojis only.

隨著表情包成為一種新的交流工具,頭像表情包通過(guò)將千禧一代及Z世代的個(gè)性和自我表達(dá),而讓AR技術(shù)進(jìn)一步發(fā)展。 年輕一代使用他們自己的頭像表情包來(lái)表達(dá)自己并創(chuàng)造新的文化。

As emoji became a new communication tool, avatar emoji evolved one step further by applying the personality and self-expression of the millennials and generation Z to AR technology. The younger generation uses their own avatar emojis in various contents to express themselves and create a new culture.

千禧一代和Z世代使用的在線表情包包含了小眾情感的表達(dá),而且他們更喜歡輕便且大致帶有直觀信息的表情包。 隨著小眾情緒表達(dá)的在線表情包變得流行,習(xí)慣了數(shù)字繪圖的年輕一代傾向于自己制作在線表情包。 即使它不那么精致,但如果年輕人能夠共情這個(gè)概念,它也會(huì)受到年輕人的喜愛(ài)。

The online stickers used by the millennials and generation Z contain B-class emotions. And they prefer the stickers which are light and roughly drawn with intuitive messages. As B-class style online sticker becomes popular, the younger generations who are accustomed to digital drawing tend to make online stickers themselves. Even if it is not a well-drawn, it can be loved by young people if they can sympathize with the concept. 

隨著在線表情包在年輕一代中的流行,它已成為角色行業(yè)的重要組成部分。 由于個(gè)人可以在社交平臺(tái)上出售在線表情包,因此出現(xiàn)了各種角色,受歡迎的角色則擴(kuò)展到了角色商品業(yè)務(wù)。 這些角色I(xiàn)P可以通過(guò)快閃店、在線商店,甚至可以直接與各種品牌進(jìn)行合作。

As online stickers became popular among the younger generation, it became a big part of the character industry. As individuals were able to sell online stickers on the SNS platform, various characters appeared and popular characters expanded to the character goods business. Pop-up stores, online stores, and even collaborations with various brands are being done with these character IPs. 

在千禧一代和Z世代的支持下,網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通市場(chǎng)急劇增長(zhǎng)。網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通最近已成為制作電影、戲劇和游戲的主流內(nèi)容。 隨著全球OTT市場(chǎng)的擴(kuò)展,具有良好故事和想法的網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通內(nèi)容成為IP業(yè)務(wù)的機(jī)會(huì)。 網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通的流行,讓《上帝之塔》和《高中之神》被制作成了動(dòng)畫。 它已經(jīng)在全球發(fā)行,包括亞洲、美國(guó)和歐洲,并且在海外市場(chǎng)上有很多粉絲。 Itaewon類也是基于網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通在Netflix上制作的。 它在亞洲市場(chǎng)排名第一,并取得了巨大的成功。

The webtoon market has grown steeply based on the support of the millennials and generation Z. Webtoon has recently become mainstream content that was made into movies, dramas, and games. As the global OTT market expanded, webtoon contents with good stories and ideas became an opportunity in the IP contents business. The tower of God and the God of High School was made into an animation according to the popularity of Webtoon. It has been released all over the world, including Asia, the United States, and Europe, and has many fans in the overseas market. Itaewon class was also produced on Netflix based on Webtoon. It was ranked top in the Asia market and was a great success.

網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通IP在角色I(xiàn)P行業(yè)中占據(jù)很大一部分。 使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通IP設(shè)計(jì)的角色商品受到年輕一代的喜愛(ài)。 另外,各家公司與網(wǎng)絡(luò)卡通IP進(jìn)行合作以推廣其品牌,因?yàn)樗鼈兛梢宰匀坏赝茝V其產(chǎn)品并為消費(fèi)者(尤其是年輕人)帶來(lái)樂(lè)趣。

Webtoon IPs occupy a large portion in the character IP industry. The character goods designed with webtoon IPs are loved by the young generation. In addition, various companies collaborate with webtoon IPs to promote their brands because they can promote their products naturally and fun to consumers, especially to young people.

虛擬網(wǎng)紅是由主要消費(fèi)者群體的變化和科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展創(chuàng)造的一種新的數(shù)字IP趨勢(shì)。 它們主要在Instagram,Twitter,F(xiàn)acebook和Snapchat等社交媒體上活躍。 即使他們不是真實(shí)的人,但卻能通過(guò)與粉絲交流來(lái)表現(xiàn)自己,并且擁有大量的關(guān)注者。 這種虛構(gòu)的特征已經(jīng)成為利用社交媒體的公關(guān)市場(chǎng)的新趨勢(shì)。

Virtual influencers are a new digital IP trend created by the changes in the main consumer group and the development of science and technology. They are mainly active on SNS such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. Even though they are not the real person they act one by communicating with fans and have a significant number of social media followers. This fictional character has become a new major trend in the PR market utilizing social media.

在某些情況下,品牌會(huì)自己創(chuàng)造虛擬網(wǎng)紅。 肯德基(KFC)創(chuàng)造的桑德斯上校(Colonel Sanders)使人想起了該公司的創(chuàng)始人形象,只不過(guò)看著更年輕一些。 韓國(guó)老牌飲料公司Binggrae創(chuàng)建了虛擬角色“ Binggraeus”。 Binggraeus有一個(gè)概念,他是做Instagram推廣Binggrae品牌的王子,該品牌反映了年輕人喜歡的小眾文化。 Binggraeus能夠通過(guò)制作具有個(gè)性的各種文化因子,并通過(guò)與年輕人積極溝通,來(lái)自然地推廣他們的產(chǎn)品。 這些有影響力的人顯然正在將品牌推廣給年輕一代,也被用作各種品牌活動(dòng)的主要典范。

There are also cases that brands create virtual influencers themselves. KFC has created Colonel Sanders which reminds the founder of the company but in a young-looking. And Binggrae, which is the old beverage company in Korea, created the virtual character, ‘Binggraeus’. Binggraeus has a concept that he is the prince who does Instagram to promote the Binggrae brand which reflects the B-class culture that young people like. Binggraeus was able to promote the product naturally by making various memes with the character and actively communicates with young people. These virtual influencers are clearly promoting the brand to the young generation, and also are being used as the main model of various brand events.

圖形設(shè)計(jì)趨勢(shì)不斷變化,以反映千禧一代和Z世代的特征。年輕的一代更喜歡他們能夠直接體會(huì)到的機(jī)智或感性的圖像,而不是精心打磨和精致的圖像。 針對(duì)年輕人,可以快速應(yīng)用于各種媒體的設(shè)計(jì)正在引領(lǐng)潮流。

Graphic design trends keep changing to reflect the characteristics of millennials and generation Z. This younger generation who prefer witty or sensual images that they can empathize with rather than well-polished and refined images. Targeting young people, designs that can be applied quickly to various media are leading the trend.

過(guò)去,品牌標(biāo)識(shí)設(shè)計(jì)更加精致和不變,通常應(yīng)用于印刷和應(yīng)用程序。 但如今,媒體變得越來(lái)越多樣化,品牌標(biāo)識(shí)也正在轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐环N靈活的形式,可以適應(yīng)這種變化。 許多品牌正在進(jìn)行多種嘗試,以在千禧一代和Z世代人身上打上烙印。

In the past, brand identity design was more refined and immutable and usually applied to print and applications. But these days, the media is becoming more diverse and brand identity is also changing into a flexible form that can be adapted to this change. A lot of brands are trying various attempts to imprint identity on millennials and generation Z generation.

A lot of brands tend to make short logo animation with their brand logos. The brand logos are not an unchangeable element in brand identity anymore. The brand identity can give a fun and easy impression to appeal to millennials and Generation Z. 

許多品牌傾向于使用其品牌logo制作簡(jiǎn)短的logo動(dòng)畫。 品牌logo已不再是品牌標(biāo)識(shí)中不可更改的元素。 品牌形象可以給千禧一代和Z世代一個(gè)有趣輕松的印象。

隨著數(shù)字平臺(tái)的發(fā)展,海報(bào)也正在演變?yōu)橐苿?dòng)海報(bào)。 由于千禧一代和Z世代都熟悉視頻內(nèi)容,因此他們對(duì)移動(dòng)圖形比對(duì)精致圖像更感興趣。 而且,與過(guò)去不得不將所有內(nèi)容打印在一頁(yè)上的情況有所不同,通過(guò)運(yùn)動(dòng)圖形以更加有趣的方式顯示更多信息變得更加容易,這也吸引了年輕一代的關(guān)注。

With the development of digital platforms, posters are also evolving into moving posters. Since millennials and generation Z are familiar with video content, they are more interested in moving graphics than refined images. And unlike in the past when we had to print everything on one page, it is easier to show more information in an interesting way through motion graphics which is also a point that young generations are attracted to. 

艾米莉·洛佩斯(EmilyLópez)的動(dòng)態(tài)海報(bào)是由字體和復(fù)古圖形組成的,感覺(jué)粗糙而怪誕。 羅伯托·華納(Roberto Warner)的海報(bào)采用簡(jiǎn)單的版式和圖紙制作而成,突出了藝術(shù)家希望使用動(dòng)態(tài)圖形顯示的內(nèi)容。 許多圖形海報(bào)傾向于具有復(fù)古風(fēng)格或由年輕一代喜歡的簡(jiǎn)單有趣的圖形元素組成。

Emily López's moving poster is composed of type and retro graphics which feels rough and grotesque. Roberto Warner's poster is created with simple typography and drawings which highlights what the artist wants to show using motion graphics. A lot of graphic posters tend to have a retro style or composed of simple and fun graphic elements that young generations will like.

千禧一代和Z世代寧愿主動(dòng)參與并獨(dú)自體驗(yàn)新事物,而不是單方面看到信息。 許多設(shè)計(jì)師或藝術(shù)家試圖通過(guò)使用諸如AR之類的新技術(shù),使年輕一代參與他們的作品。 年輕一代對(duì)與他們互動(dòng)的圖形更感興趣。

Millennials and Generation Z prefer to participate actively and experience new things on their own rather than seeing information unilaterally. Many designers or artists try to make the young generation participate in their works by using new technologies such as AR. The young generation feel more attracted to the graphics which they can interact with.

Agenda 2020和后印刷時(shí)代都是使觀眾參與到使用AR觀看展覽的項(xiàng)目,并且有很多使用AR技術(shù)的圖形實(shí)驗(yàn),使人們可以通過(guò)圖形海報(bào)體驗(yàn)三維技術(shù)。 通過(guò)讓人們積極參與該項(xiàng)目,自然地將品牌形象烙印于熱衷有趣和新體驗(yàn)的年輕一代中。

Agenda 2020 and post-print are both projects that involve audiences to view exhibitions using AR. And there are a lot of graphic experiments using AR technology to let people experience three-dimensional experience through graphic posters. By letting people actively participate in the project, it can naturally imprint the brand image on the younger generations who love interesting and new experiences.

過(guò)去,似乎只是由兒童繪制的類似涂鴉的圖像往往不被認(rèn)為是不錯(cuò)的圖形。 但是,千禧一代和Z世代更喜歡以一種輕松自由的方式表達(dá)自己的情感和個(gè)性,他們傾向于將“涂鴉式的插畫”視為一種時(shí)髦的圖形。 有一點(diǎn)可以證明這種說(shuō)法,許多希望得到千禧一代和Z世代支持的時(shí)裝品牌都渴望與繪制涂鴉風(fēng)格圖形的插畫家合作。

In the past, doodle-like images that seem to have just been drawn by a child could not be recognized as a nice graphic. However, the millennials and generation Z who prefer to express their emotions and individuality in an easy and free way tend to see doodle style Illustration as a trendy graphic. As proof of that, many fashion brands that want to be supported by the millennials and generation Z are eager to collaborate with illustrators who draw doodle style graphics.

Margonzales是一位專業(yè)的滑板手和藝術(shù)家。 他過(guò)去從事滑板很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間,他從街頭和滑板場(chǎng)景中汲取了靈感并在推出了自己的作品后就成為一名藝術(shù)家。 他的自由奔放和個(gè)人主義插圖受到許多年輕人的歡迎,并在他與Supreme發(fā)行合作產(chǎn)品時(shí)聞名世界。

Margonzales is a professional skateboarder and artist. He had been a skateboarder for a long time and became an artist when he came up with his artwork where he got inspiration from street and skateboard scenes. His free-spirited and individualistic illustrations were enjoyed by many young people and became known all over the world when he released a collaboration product with Supreme.

薩姆·考克斯(Sam Cox)是一位來(lái)自英格蘭的藝術(shù)家,比杜奇先生更著名。 他的作品的特征在于圖案、角色和對(duì)象像病毒傳播一般不斷擴(kuò)展。 乍一看,他的作品看上去很幼稚,但氣氛明亮,受到很多人的喜愛(ài)。 他最近還與芬迪開(kāi)展了有趣的合作。

Sam Cox is an artist from England who is more famous than Mr.Doodle. His work is characterized by the constant expansion of patterns, characters, and objects just as viruses spread. His work looks childish at first glance but has a bright atmosphere that seems to be loved by many people. He also recently conducted an interesting collaboration with Fendi.

丹尼爾·約翰斯頓(Daniel Johnston)于2019年去世,是歌手兼作詞人和視覺(jué)藝術(shù)家。 他一生中大部分時(shí)間都在精神疾病中掙扎,這影響了他的圖形風(fēng)格。 2020年,街頭品牌Supreme與其合作推出了聯(lián)名產(chǎn)品。

Daniel Johnston, who passed away in 2019, was a singer-songwriter and visual artist. He had struggled with mental illness for much of his life which had been influenced his graphic style. In 2020, street brand Supreme launched a collaboration product with him.

俗話說(shuō),潮流在變,復(fù)古風(fēng)格如今卻風(fēng)行一時(shí)。 現(xiàn)在,可以使人聯(lián)想起80年代和90年代游戲和動(dòng)畫的圖形重新成為一種時(shí)尚風(fēng)格。 復(fù)古風(fēng)格對(duì)某些人來(lái)說(shuō)可能是懷舊的,或者對(duì)某些人來(lái)說(shuō)是新鮮的。

As there is a saying that trend is going around, retro styles are now all the rage. Graphics that remind you of games and animations from the '80s and '90s are now recreated into a trendy style. Retro styles can be nostalgic for some people, or fresh and new for some.

Hanavbara是一個(gè)受歡迎的Instagram使用者,擁有24萬(wàn)追隨者,主要繪制以K-pop偶像為主題的插圖。 他的插圖使人們覺(jué)得自己正在觀看90年代的動(dòng)畫場(chǎng)景。 另外,Pixeljeff的插圖讓人想起90年代游戲中的場(chǎng)景。 過(guò)去由于技術(shù)限制而制作的粗糙且簡(jiǎn)單的虛線游戲圖形現(xiàn)在被當(dāng)成了表達(dá)個(gè)性的一種方式。 隨著這種復(fù)古趨勢(shì),許多藝術(shù)家傾向于從過(guò)去的文化中獲得啟發(fā)。

Hanavbara who is a popular Instagrammer with 240,000 followers, mainly draws illustrations with the theme of K-pop idols. His illustration makes people feel like they are watching a scene from animation in the 90s. Also, Pixeljeff's illustration reminds people of a scene from a 90s game. Rough and simple dotted game graphics which used to be made because of technology constraints are now used as a way to express individuality. Many artists tend to get inspired by the past culture following this retro trend.

路易威登最近發(fā)布了一個(gè)有趣的視頻。 維吉爾·阿布洛(Virgil Abloh)制作了一個(gè)動(dòng)畫,名為“與朋友的動(dòng)物園大冒險(xiǎn)”,這是路易威登男裝系列的新概念視頻。 他們正在根據(jù)千禧一代和Z世代的需求,做出獨(dú)特的新嘗試,以擺脫傳統(tǒng)時(shí)裝秀的形式。 另外,最近包含了老式動(dòng)畫圖形的Toon-out等動(dòng)畫過(guò)濾器在年輕人中也很流行。 包括Doja Cat在內(nèi)的許多藝術(shù)家都制作了復(fù)古音樂(lè)錄影帶。 這種復(fù)古風(fēng)格已成為針對(duì)千禧一代和Z世代的新趨勢(shì)。

Louis Vuitton recently posted an interesting video. Virgil Abloh created an animation called "The Adventures of Zoooom with Friends" which is a new concept video for Louis Vuitton's men's collection. They are making a unique and new attempt to change in accordance with the needs of millennials and generation Z, away from the format of traditional fashion shows. Also, animation filters such as Toon-out which contains old-style animation graphics were recently popular among young people. Many artists including Doja Cat, made a retro-style music video. This retro style has become a new trend targeting millennials and generation Z.


千禧一代占人口的31.5%,Z世代人口現(xiàn)在占比為32%。 千禧一代已經(jīng)在改變世界,Z世代也開(kāi)啟了新的范例。 他們是現(xiàn)在和未來(lái)的真正消費(fèi)者。 這篇研究文章研究了這樣的情況:這些世代具有比其他任何世代都更為獨(dú)特的個(gè)性,它們正在成為未來(lái)的力量,并且正在發(fā)生變化,以理解和反映這些世代在設(shè)計(jì)和營(yíng)銷方面的文化和品味。 我們希望本文能夠幫助人們了解這些世代的特征,并了解他們所領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的趨勢(shì)。

The millennials consist of 31.5 % of the population and generation Z is now 32 %. Millennials are already changing the world and generation Z is also opening a new paradigm. They are the real consumers of the present and the core of the future. This research article examined the cases where these generations, which have more distinct personalities than any other generation, are emerging as future power, and changes are taking place to understand and reflect the culture and tastes of these generations in terms of design and marketing. We hope this article will help people understand the characteristics of these generations and know the trends they are leading.





